The Struggle is Real.

We have made it through the entire 1st round of Jake's Chemo treatments, which was 1 full week, a monday, and a monday. Last Monday Jacob's White Blood Cell Count was low and they told him if he didn't rest he would not be able to start his second round today. Well... I got a little frustrated with my dear sweet husband because of course resting to him is doing everything the same but adding a 5 min water break. If you wives out there can understand my frustration then you know what came next... a nice sit down where I had to put what was going on in perspective for Jacob and explain that he was not being weak for taking time off. I just said "Hey, you have Cancer... if people don't understand that then I'm sorry ,they don't know us or how hard you work in general and we just don't have time for people like that.... We thankfully have not had that problem, he was just being himself and didn't like the thought of not being able to be his normal, crazy, youth minster, football loving self! Hard days that we knew we would have but somehow you still are just not prepared for.

We also went through some surgery last week with Jacob's mom Eva. She has a disease in her back called Disk Degeneration Disease. She is such a trooper, she has been in so much pain for almost 4 months, maybe longer, thats just when I remember her telling us. This has been her 3rd surgery since I have been around the Rowe family and I pray that this is the last one that she will have to go through. I can not imagine the pain she has to go through during these surgeries.

After monday I believe Jacob genuinely saw how worried I was because not only was I worried about his immune system and his rest, but sweet Sonny-Ann had been projectile vomiting all week.... All of this happening on the week I start back to work, working 12 hour shifts!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!! His dad and grandparents really helped out by staying at our house so that Sonny-ann, Jacob, and Dylan could all be at home and comfortable! Anyways, on thursday he took a half day off to rest, as long as I would let him Coach Friday night at Alvarado's homecoming!! DEAL!! So on friday it was Freaky Friday where parents could go to school with their kids!!! LUCKY ME,  got to go to all of Dyl-Pickle's classes with him and embarrass the heck out of him... I thrive in situations like theses because he is 15 so it doesn't take much to embarrass him!! It was so much fun. Since Sonny-Ann was feeling better she got to teach with Daddy and she loved it... and loved the pep-rally. May I also add that this was another half day for Jacob but I believe his body was just telling him to take it easy. We went home and Jacob went right in our room to take a nap before he had to be at the field house at 4.... here it comes...Wait...Wait.. Wait... at 3:30 I went to wake him up and he felt so warm and he could barely wake up to get a sentence out and if you can remember from my previous post, I don't play games with any health issues, especially now. So I got the thermometer  and Jacob was running a 100.1 temp and at 100.5 I am supposed to take him to the emergency room because his immune system can be compromised so easily. So as a wife I had to do something so hard, at least for me, and tell him he could not go to coach. He was upset but he came to realize that things could be a lot worse for him and us as a family if he did not rest and get his temp down. I am so thankful that he works for a man (Coach Dixon) who is genuinely concerned for Jacob's health and completely understands, as Jacobs wife, I could not be more grateful to him.

Jacob resting w/ some awesome company...
Uncle Randy and David Baxter! Kelly baxter was there too but she was talking to me... she always so good at listening and we love them both so much
Sonny-Ann getting some much need Sleep time with Paw-Paw Don

Freaky Friday with Dyl-Pickle!!! HE PASSED ALL HIS CLASSES!! We are so Proud of him!!

Sonny girl w/ Daddy! We had Alvarado gear on but we had an accident and this was all Mama had in the bag!
Way to go, Mom! lol

We Stayed home all weekend except for when he begged me to get him out about the middle of saturday and I needed new tires anyways. Two flats in a month Y'all,  it was time. I was getting tired of going on my breaks at work to go air them up at the QT lol. So we went and got tires and came home for the rest of the weekend....

Here is the good news, Jacob did not have to go to the emergency room, we got new tires, Mama Eva is doing well after surgery,Sonny-Ann is doing much better, Dyl-Pickle survived freaky friday with me and got to go watch the Homecoming game with his cousins, and Jacob's WBC's were up so he got to start his treatment today. We even had a Vistor... Richmond Goolsby AKA "The Goolsby"!! Richmond was the pastor were Jacob served as the Youth minister at Harvey Baptist in Stephenville and we were both so happy to see him yesterday. A friendly face that did nothing but listen to us, encourage us, and make us laugh with o so familiar stories that we love to hear.

Jacob enjoying his time with Richmond :) Sorry Richmond... I snuck in a picture :)

Sonny Girl is feeling so much better and being her normal fun self :)

Last week has been the hardest in my book. For a brief second last week I felt like the week was never going to end, and I would feel horrible b/c I just wanted to crawl in hole and tell the world to leave me alone and just let me deal with what I need to deal with... I then remembered that Charly, your a wife to Jacob, your a mother to Sonny-ann,  you are a Guardian/cousins to Dyl-Pickle, and most importantly you are a Daughter to God the Father. I have been angry during certain trials in my life, not realizing why God put me through them  and now I have realized, more now than ever that God was putting me through them to prepare me for what my Family and myself are going through now. He was telling me that Charly, you know how to be strong in me because I have shown you time and time again to prepare you for your family now. I have not perfected it yet but i'm getting there and hopefully my family will be able to see God's Strength through me at least one day during this time of sickness in our family.

The funny thing is, is that both of these verses where put in front of me this week, once on a man standing in front of me shirt and the other when I opened my bible to a random page one day... It so funny how God works like that. I end just saying "Ok, I get God! Message is clear"

"but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31

Random Page... It's always a Psalm
"My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word."
Psalm 119:28

Uncle Nate got Sonny-Girl this Sweater.... She loves it! TMNT for Life
I can not thank our families, friends, and church family enough... I know it has been hard for all of you to see us go through this and not only that but some of you putting your lives on hold to help us with Sonny-Ann, picking up Dyl-Pickle, our leaders in the youth taking over to help bare the weight for us, and making dinner for us has been amazing. I can not express enough the impact you have had on our lives during this time and thank you!
Sonny-Ann and I went and walked at the Cleburne Pregnancy Aide Center about 2 weeks ago with some awesome ladies from the church and one of my 56:1 ladies Berenice but we forgot to post. We Choose Life.


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