Sweet Summer Time

   So summer has come to an end and Jacob is back coaching football and is working about 14 hour days, so although we don't see each other a lot we made sure to have tons of fun this summer!

   We got to spend time with Family, Weddings, Fishing, Kayaking, Ranger Games and lots of other fun stuff... so here is our summer together in a nut shell!

We had such a blast with our Family in Glen Rose
at Trickle Creek Ranch
Us with Aunt Donna, Uncle Robert, and Little J-Dog

What a Good looking group
We had Visitor from a horse and Jayden had fun feeding her Apples
We also just had fun being able to  visit and of course EAT amazing food lol

If I have learned anything from my dad... Never go anywhere without your guitar
Dad fishing... He baited my hook for me while we were there because what i was using wasn't working and as soon as I threw my hook in the water.. BOOM theres a fish.. the man is a master!!
Uncle Robert and J-Dog
Blessed to have them as parents
They are goof balls

We went Kayaking 3 times this summer... I really enjoy the river and it was good exercise for this fat prego... who says pregnant girls cant have fun

He is so Handsome
This was a lot of fun

Lots of fishing this summer!!
We have got to see a lot of this guy this summer and it has been great!! This is him cooking us breakfast burritos for dinner
Its not summer with these Babies..... Stuffed Jalapenos

We went to a good friends wedding in West Texas... So beautiful

My husband dancing his little heart out... I love him so much
I had to go inside and Cool off for minute...
Sitting with me while I cooled off
Mom looked so pretty in her hippie out-fit
Aren't we a good-lookin couple :)
The Happy Couple
Rangers Game!!

We also spent A LOT of time with our youth group this summer and we loved that time we got to know each of the kids!

Youth Camp in Huntsville, TX... My ankles were so swollen after but worth it because this camp was such a blessing
Youth River Trip
Sunday Bible Studies at our house have been great... of course this is Texas so we have to throw some football in while we learn about Jesus :)

It has been a fun summer and we have done more, I just don't have any pictures lol.... It was great to have time together with family and our youth!!


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