Birthdays are a Blessing

We were blessed to be a part of two very important Birthdays this summer, one being Grandma Dynck's 70th (Jacobs Grandma) and our sweet nephew Radley's 1st. We had fun at both parties and were just blessed to be a part of each. 

These first set of pic's are from Grandma Dynck's Party and one thing you need to know about here is she is the most spirited woman I have ever met. This Woman is 70 going on 20, she is so loving and just down right wonderful.

               Dynck opening her gifts... Majority was Home Depot and Lowes gift cards.... this woman is the DIY QUEEN

  Dynck with her great niece Lynlee
Aunt Linda, Grandma Dynck, And Eva (Jacobs mom)
Cheesin it

Never boring with these men

Father Daughter Love....or is it???

 These next bunch are of my sister Daffney's little boy Radley... he turned 1 and is such a miracle baby.. When he was born, he was only 3pds and look at him now so big and handsome. His dad is a volunteer firefighter, so they had a firefighter theme at the station where his dad works. He was so cute!

Rad Man and his firefighter badge...

Little man learning to walk... almost has it

His awesome cake

My sister Daffney, Rad-man, and I.... I love them so much

Uncle Jake picked out Rad-man's b-day present... Of course a football was involved

Uncle Jake holding the newest member of my sister's family... Cannon or Cannon Ball is what I call him
I know that sometimes birthdays can be a drag because that just mean another year older but im so thankful for the years that God has given us with our family and I am looking forward to many more birthdays with many more family members.


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