It's Herbie Hancock

Has anyone ever seen the Movie Tommy Boy?

If you haven't, I'm sorry you have missed the Genius that is Chris Farley's best work.

Well, I personally quote this movie on a weekly basis and very few people have any idea what i'm talking about when I do. ( Exception: My husband, close friends, and my immediate family.)
I get really excited when i'm in a situation and a movie quote fits in perfectly to that moment. I will literally laugh whether I say it out loud or not. Half the time no one laughs and I normally say to myself "Ugh, My husband would have laughed at that"

He Would Have.

Anyways, I relate to this movie in ways I never realized.
Let me explain.

     At the very beginning of the movie we see that Tommy is obviously running late.

  • He is Running through bushes, 
  • Seems so manic while running that he Scares a young man,  
  • Woe,  He makes sure to stop and act casual for the ladies
  • Keeps running
  • He tries to open a door he thinks is locked while screaming "PLEASE, GOD NO" all to find out he was just pulling on the wrong door. 
  • He sits down and the professor passes out his History 201 final while giving a concerned yet frustrating look to the sweaty/ insecure looking Tommy. 

The Camera goes down to show a question #1 on the Final...
"1.) Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and _________Hancock, were all framer of the constitution."

Tommy looks up and confidence comes all over his face because he "knows" the answer to #1 on this history final. He then starts writing on his final and the name he writes is "Herbie". Obviously we realize that this final might not go well.

Here, You Can Watch! DO IT!!

Again, I know i'm giving you a movie synopsis here but don't give up on me yet.

We then go to the Final results being posted on a wall and Tommy making his way through the crowd to see his grade which reads D+. For most student this would not be an acceptable grade to exude such excitement but Tommy gets pumped. Yelling "I PASSED" and finding to a small gentlemen and embracing him in an ecstatic hug. This is where he says one of the most relatable quotes to my life.
"I wish we'd known each other, this is a little awkward."

Here, You can Watch that too. DO IT!!

It was awkward because No one in that crowd knew that Tommy had been in college for 7 years and that he just needed this barely passing grade to graduate to go back home to help run Callahan Auto Parts with his Dad that he loves so much.

I will come back to this. Keep Up.

Short Story Long...
This year has come with a lot of change for our family and while some has been for the better, some of it has been extremely hard. So, For a grin and get through it person it allowed me to mask my hurt, bitterness, and insecurities with Humor.
Example: I see some sad situations at my job so when I see a trauma at work, the absolute first thing that goes through my brain is Tommy's impersonation of the Medic saying "O MY GOD" when he is trying to sale brake pads to a customer.  I don't say this quote out loud...anymore... ( Woe, That Was Close) but I have learned that my brain is just protecting me.

Here You Go. DO IT!!

 You might think this is insensitive but this kind of Humor is what keeps me from punching someone in the face or just sitting in my shower crying alone. This defense mechanism is also why I laugh in the worst absolute times. I mean the worst. When we moved this year, I knew absolutely no one. I was now a 30 yr old woman, 2 children, joining the PTA, new job in an ICU in downtown Austin, and my husbands job as a Texas High school teacher/Football coach makes him pretty visible to this community. I didn't want to  do anything wrong. SO MY BRAIN TURNED TO HUMOR. It just stopped working along the way.

I've tried to be myself before and though I could have toned it back a little, I never really felt accepted where we were at before. (With A few exceptions... Cough cough PCU)

  I expressed these feelings to some friends of mine and they mentioned a blog. "Your post on social media are so funny and relate to so many, you should start a blog"

  Well, I used to have a Blog but it was more for the reason of keeping family updated on my husbands cancer updates. (You can see these in my earlier post. Update: He is still Cancer Free! WOOHOO!)
However, an update blog would not be a way for me to express the weirdness, emotions, insecurities, and fast paced nonsense that is Charly Rowe's brain. Honestly, who could relate to that? It took me a bit to work up the courage to even think about their suggestion.

  I moved here with the intentions of not getting close to anyone. I did not want to get involved. I wanted to keep my head down. I want to not care about anything. I did not want to feel broken again. I wanted my brain to protect my true feelings like it had done so many times before....
  Well, God literally laughed in my face and told my brain to move out of the way so he could do the work. Although I still struggle sometimes, God knew what and who I needed! Amazingly enough he still gave it to me even through my bitterness and insecurities. He has put people in life who have not only pushed me to be better but have continually pushed themselves in to my life to not allow me to be alone. (You Know who you are and I am forever grateful!) He has led us to a phenomenal church that I really tried to NOT want to join but ended up wanting to not only join but wanting to help serve. I WANT TO!!! My family, My family is a constant reminder that I want to be the best version of myself and the realization is that I can not do that with out God in my life. They deserve the best version of me.
  This year has been about learning Grace and Forgiveness not just for others but for myself. How am I supposed to let others know how much God loves them if I didn't feel like God could love me. I felt unworthy. I had to realize that though I was actually unworthy of Gods love that he did indeed still love me.  I Fail a lot in this realization but I'm Trying. This is Me Trying.

Tommy Boy Scene Explained.
   I have been running through life this past year thinking I have it together. I will stop and put on a face like "I'm Cool, I got this" and then keeping running. I will Scream at God "Please, God No!!" even when he had the door open the entire time and then of course act like I knew it was open the entire time. I was bitter about life and God looked at me like the professor concerned and frustrated that I wasn't seeing what he was blessing me with. I was confident in my decision to remain alone. I was confident in my decision to not get involved. (My Herbie Hancock)  The difference is that God hung up my grades and I expected a D+; honestly I expected to be failing, but  to my surprise he showed I had an A+ life! Can you imagine how much more intense that scene would have been if Tommy would have gotten an A+? Honestly, I cant even imagine how much more excited he would be but that's how I should be living and that's how I should be Loving. WHY was I choosing to live a barely passing life? It made ZERO sense when it all clicked. I PASSED!!

   I can't even explain how God has blessed me with this move and I feel stupid for being so closed off at first.

You don't know me guys; maybe you do, or you think you do. I'm Awkward, I love my family with the fire of a million suns, I honestly feel deep rage when anyone I love hurts, I hate death, I love experiencing new things, I love helping people, I struggle with Anger, Movie quotes get me through my day, music is life, and I am a Christian woman trying to live that Proverbs 31 life all while my brain is singing Baby Got Back. I'm not saying this is an appropriate song  but i'm saying that the struggle is real and I'm trying.

  If you Relate. Then Hang out and let's try together. Get to know me and at some point maybe it wont be so awkward.

“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.  From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.  ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring."
Acts 17:24-28



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