Our Birth Story

As most of you know, Sonny-Ann was a week over her due date and I was absolutely huge. Jake and I decided with our Amazing Doctor that we go ahead with an induction on Oct. 2 and go in on Oct. 1 to get things started and we were extremely ready to Tuesday to get here and Finally it did!

We want family and friends to know that we have a beautiful little girl that God has bless us with that weighed 10'6 and was 21in. long... BIG BLESSING lol We had such wonderful nurses and our doctors were just unbelievable, although I was in some pain, I had much comfort knowing that we had such great hospital staff taking care of us!

I was in labor for about 20 hours and ended up only being dilated to a 5 and was in some pain so I opted to have a cesarean done and boy I'm glad I did because no one was anticipating how big miss Sonny-Ann would be. 

 Here is our Birth Story in Pictures
Tuesday night before I got started... So naive about the pain I was about to experience lol
Jacob was just as exhausted as I was... He was such a God Send keeping me calm and getting me through each a every contraction that was about 1 min apart...long night
Our sweet little girl being poked and prodded

she did like it so much and poor baby was so cold
She is such a chunk ......

10lb 6oz

I did get to hold her right away which I was so thankful for

My sweet girl

I was so Overwhelmed that i just balled when I heard her sweet cry

Um whats going on lol

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Who are you?? lol

Look at the windows.... We had a hospital full waiting for this sweet girl

Getting to spend time with our new Baby Girl
We had family come in and I loved getting to Enjoy all the love in the Room for  our sweet girl
Sassy and Sonny
Grandma Eva and Sonny
Papa and Sonny
Captain and Sonny
Aunt Frito and Sonny
Great Grandparents

Aunt Hannah

4 Generations

So strong holding up her head on her first day

Mommy time

Getting ready to see Daddy off to his football game
We were in the hopital awhile and Jake had to go coach on Friday night and so we wore our football Garb to support daddy and the Alvarado Indians
And then we fell asleep lol

love this picture

Relaxing with mommy

She just melts my heart!!!!!
Getting to finally go home :)

Bye Bye Hospital

so glad to be home

Daddy has been picture happy

We are so beyond blessed with the love that has been shown by our family and friends to our daughter... we have many more pictures of everyone who came to visit, I just have been so busy loving on our little girl that I have not had time to upload them all..... They are coming soon. 


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