
I'm a little late on this one, seeing as how Father`s Day was Sunday.......O WELL!! My Situation when it comes to having a Father has been a Unique one..... My Dad has been an amazing care- taker, provider, shoulder to cry on
, disciplinarian, encourager when needed, and is a man that took on a lot when he didn't have to!! When i say unique, I guess i mean unique by the world standards, I call him dad, you call him my "step dad"!! He has loved me since the moment he met me when I was 4 and  soon after  our meeting  I started to definitely become a daddy`s girl. He taught me about music (Elvis Presley), taught me to play soft ball, "Made" me learn to Change the oil and tires before i could get my license, supported me in his own way even when he thought I was acting irrationally, and has Loved me unconditionally as father should for his Daughter!! I wont tell you his name because he is a little paranoid about Internet hackers and government type stuff, so don't tell him i have mentioned him on here!! Just know he his Dad/Padre for me and I couldn't have been blessed more by the Lord with a better Padre!! Love you!!
This Fathers day after the Rangers game!!! I made a card out of candy bars that my padre loved!! > This one is at Proctor Lake of my dad with me playing what little guitar I know, my dad is an amazing musician and I can only hope to be half as good as him some day!! He has given me a love for music that is sometimes what others would say is unhealthy... no but seriously he has made me an old soul when it comes to music and honestly I'm grateful!!!


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